How to Define a Product Business’ North Star Metric (And How to Best Utilize It)

“Each strategy we had at Netflix—from our personalization strategy to our theory that a simpler experience would improve retention—had a very specific metric that helped us to evaluate if the strategy was valid or not. If the strategy moved the metric, we knew we were on the right path. If ..Continue Reading

How to Improve and Optimize Your Product’s Payment Funnel [Complete Guide]

“It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by doubling your traffic.” – Jeffrey Eisenberg, Buyer Legends CEO From a Western perspective it may be easy to assume that everyone has access to a credit card, which they can use to buy products with. But ..Continue Reading

How to Create Great User Testing Scenarios to Test Your Product

“How well we communicate is determined not by how well we say things, but how well we are understood.” – Andy Grove, Intel Corporation Former CEO Creating great tasks for user tests is both an art and a science. The tasks that you select need to be unambiguous, and free ..Continue Reading

How to Recruit Interview Participants for Product Research [Complete Guide]

“You can learn valuable things by asking the right people the wrong questions. If you’re talking to the wrong people, it doesn’t matter what you ask.” – Erika Hall It’s generally easier to recruit from your user base than it is to recruit prospects. For one, your users and customers ..Continue Reading

How to Find Your Best Customers Through Behavioral Segmentation

“Just because someone walks in and buys a high-margin good doesn’t necessarily mean you should prioritize that person as a customer.” – Jason Stanley, Element AI Design Research Lead In spite of your best efforts to acquire users who match your best fit customer profile, you’ll probably notice that: Some ..Continue Reading

How to Analyze Engagement by Product Features [ Complete Guide ]

“Feature engagement is more important than feature retention in my mind because if users come back, what are they coming back for? So it’s kind of that next layer and what are they doing when they come back? It’s just deeper into retention.” – Hiten Shah, Serial Entrepreneur User experience ..Continue Reading